I will accompany you for 7 weeks to your personal body transformation:
uncomplicated, effective and exactly how it suits you and your everyday life.

Christinas neues Buch für ganzheitliche Gesundheit, Genuss und Lebensfreude!



“You only have one life – make the most of it.”


In your individual 1:1 coaching session, I will show you how to successfully achieve your desired weight – without giving up or counting calories. You’ll be fitter and healthier than ever before. Let’s start your journey to a healthier, happier life together!

Constantly battling food cravings
and feel like you’re never really full?

Do you have to prepare healthy meals that not only taste good to you, but also to your family and satisfy everyone?

Trying to get fitter and healthier, but it always feels like an exhausting, never-ending battle?

No more fighting!

Get your happy and healthy lifestyle back

Do you constantly feel overwhelmed by cravings while trying to live a healthier life?

Do you find it difficult to prepare meals that not only taste good to you, but also to your family?

And does the road to a fitter and healthier lifestyle often seem like an endless battle?

It is time to put an end to these challenges
to put an end to these challenges!

The Body Base Coaching I developed helps you to achieve your health goals without having to constantly exert yourself.

Learn how to make delicious and nutritious meals that your whole family will love. And learn to enjoy your journey to a healthier life without it feeling like a struggle.

Discover a new way of feeling good, where you no longer let cravings control you, but take control of your diet naturally.

Health, lightness, well-being and satisfaction

Imagine waking up every morning feeling full of energy, light and ready to conquer the day.
No more fighting with your reflection in the mirror, no more constantly feeling tired and listless,
no giving up on your goals because of uncontrollable cravings.
Life can feel so much easier and more beautiful.